Leesburg, Virginia Retirement and Pension Attorneys

Compare 6 attorneys and 4 law firms in Leesburg , VA. Sort by highest rating and years of retirement and pension experience.

Cheryl Graham
Leesburg retirement and pension attorney at Graham Law Firm with 32 years experience

204 Wirt Street Southwest, Leesburg, VA 20175

Patricia Tichenor
Leesburg retirement and pension attorney at Patricia E Tichenor with 28 years experience

7 East Market Street, Suite 212, Leesburg, VA 20176

Elizabeth Ross
Leesburg retirement and pension attorney at Lieblich and Grimes with 21 years experience

19441 Golf Vista Plaza, Suite 220, Leesburg, VA 20176

Christin Eberst
Leesburg retirement and pension attorney at Lieblich and Grimes with 15 years experience

19441 Golf Vista Plaza, Suite 220, Leesburg, VA 20176

Heather Scott
Leesburg retirement and pension attorney at Graham Law Firm with 14 years experience

204 Wirt Street Southwest, Leesburg, VA 20175

Ruth McElroy
Leesburg retirement and pension attorney at Whitbeck Cisneros McElroy  

106 Harrison Street SE, Suite 300, Leesburg, VA 20175

Need help with a retirement or pension matter?

Retirement and pension funds are protected by federal law including the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). Employers are required to meet their retirement obligations under ERISA. A retirement or pension attorney will work on your behalf to resolve any concerns or disputes and file an ERISA claim if necessary.

Need an attorney in Leesburg, VA?

Find the right attorney by reviewing and comparing our profiles of lawyers and their law firms, with details on each attorney and their colleague’s practice, experience, education, training, honors and fee structure. Carefully consider client reviews and recommendations from people just like you. If you have complex legal needs, a larger firm with multiple attorneys who can advise you in different areas may be the best fit. If your needs are more limited and very specific, consider a smaller firm. Speak with several Leesburg retirement and pension attorneys to find the one that is best for you.

Ask yourself the 3 C’s:

  • Credentials ‐ How many cases has this attorney worked on similar to yours?
  • Comfort ‐ Who are you most comfortable working with? Is the lawyer’s office nearby? How and how often will they get in touch with you?
  • Cost ‐ Have expected costs and fees been clearly explained to you? It’s OK to ask for an estimate.