Alice Barns Herrington

Alice Herrington

Attorney in Louisville, KY with 43 years experience

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About Alice Barns Herrington

Alice Barns Herrington practices personal injury law in Louisville, KY, at Dinsmore and Shohl. Alice is a member of the Kentucky bar with 43 years of legal experience.

Practice Areas

Insurance Law
Personal Injury Law (Defective Products)


State Year


University of Louisville, JD, 1982
University of Louisville, BA, with high honors, 1977
University of Virginia, MA, 1979

Professional Memberships

Louisville, Kentucky and American Bar Associations; Defense Research Institute; Kentucky Defense Counsel; Graduate Leadership Louisville; International Association of Defense Counsel Trial Academy

Contact Alice Herrington

Dinsmore and Shohl

101 South Fifth Street
Louisville, KY 40202   get directions