Scott Randolph Hile

Scott Hile

Attorney in Charlotte, NC with 26 years experience

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About Scott Randolph Hile

Scott Randolph Hile practices international law in Charlotte, NC, at Hunton and Williams. Scott is a member of the North Carolina bar with 26 years of legal experience.

Practice Areas

Business and Corporate Law (Mergers and Acquisitions, Securities Law, Technology)
International Law


State Year
District of Columbia2000


University of South Carolina, JD, 1999
Davidson College, AB, Economics, 1995
Ecole EuropTene des Affaires, Paris, France, Certificate in

Professional Memberships

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina and American Bar Associations; North Carolina State Bar; State Bar of California;

Contact Scott Hile

Hunton and Williams

101 South Tryon Street
Suite 3500
Charlotte, NC 28280   get directions