Castle Rock, Colorado Real Estate Attorneys

Compare 20 attorneys and 6 law firms in Castle Rock , CO. Sort by highest rating and years of real estate experience.

James Folkestad
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Folkestad Fazekas Barrick and Patoile with 55 years experience

18 South Wilcox Street, Suite 200, Castle Rock, CO 80104

John Kokish
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Kokish and Goldmanis with 55 years experience

380 Perry Street, Suite 220, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Ernest Fazekas, II
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Folkestad Fazekas Barrick and Patoile with 48 years experience

18 South Wilcox Street, Suite 200, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Darrell Gubbels
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Gubbels Law Office with 47 years experience

402 North Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Peter Goldstein
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Gubbels Law Office with 41 years experience

402 North Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Aaron Barrick
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Folkestad Fazekas Barrick and Patoile with 33 years experience

18 South Wilcox Street, Suite 200, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Gina Masterson
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Folkestad Fazekas Barrick and Patoile with 30 years experience

18 South Wilcox Street, Suite 200, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Marc Patoile
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Folkestad Fazekas Barrick and Patoile with 29 years experience

18 South Wilcox Street, Suite 200, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Kristen Karabensh
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Folkestad Fazekas Barrick and Patoile with 26 years experience

18 South Wilcox Street, Suite 200, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Laura Page
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Cox Baker and Page with 25 years experience

858 Happy Canyon Road, Suite 215, Castle Rock, CO 80108

John Clark
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Folkestad Fazekas Barrick and Patoile with 25 years experience

18 South Wilcox Street, Suite 200, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Wendy Monteith
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Kokish and Goldmanis with 25 years experience

380 Perry Street, Suite 220, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Jaime Stewart
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Gubbels Law Office with 21 years experience

402 North Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Laura Hass
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Hass Law Office with 21 years experience

PO Box 246, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Rebecca Goldmanis
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Kokish and Goldmanis with 21 years experience

380 Perry Street, Suite 220, Castle Rock, CO 80104

William Henry, IV
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Robinson and Henry with 18 years experience

757 Maleta Lane, Suite 104, Castle Rock, CO 80108

Ryan Wood
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Robinson and Henry with 16 years experience

757 Maleta Lane, Suite 104, Castle Rock, CO 80108

Sean Harrell
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Folkestad Fazekas Barrick and Patoile with 14 years experience

18 South Wilcox Street, Suite 200, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Lindsay Miller
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Folkestad Fazekas Barrick and Patoile with 14 years experience

18 South Wilcox Street, Suite 200, Castle Rock, CO 80104

Donald Eby
Castle Rock real estate attorney at Robinson and Henry with 12 years experience

757 Maleta Lane, Suite 104, Castle Rock, CO 80108

Need help with a real estate matter?

Real estate attorneys work on all legal issues around property rights. If you are buying, selling, renting commercial or residential real estate a real estate attorney will give you expert advice. A real estate lawyer will advise on each stage of the transaction, from negotiating, to drafting and reviewing the lease or purchase agreement. Individuals, businesses, schools and even charities are all effected by real estate law. Landlord-tenant disputes, evictions, zoning and rezoning, and property tax issues are all common matters addressed by real estate lawyers.

Need an attorney in Castle Rock, CO?

Find the right attorney by reviewing and comparing our profiles of lawyers and their law firms, with details on each attorney and their colleague’s practice, experience, education, training, honors and fee structure. Carefully consider client reviews and recommendations from people just like you. If you have complex legal needs, a larger firm with multiple attorneys who can advise you in different areas may be the best fit. If your needs are more limited and very specific, consider a smaller firm. Speak with several Castle Rock real estate attorneys to find the one that is best for you.

Ask yourself the 3 C’s:

  • Credentials ‐ How many cases has this attorney worked on similar to yours?
  • Comfort ‐ Who are you most comfortable working with? Is the lawyer’s office nearby? How and how often will they get in touch with you?
  • Cost ‐ Have expected costs and fees been clearly explained to you? It’s OK to ask for an estimate.