Rice Pugatch Robinson and Schiller
Law firm
in Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Overview Rice Pugatch Robinson and Schiller
Rice Pugatch Robinson and Schiller is based out of Fort Lauderdale, FL, with 2 office locations and 13 attorneys. Attorneys at Rice Pugatch Robinson and Schiller represent clients in a variety of legal matters including appeals and bankruptcy.
Practice Areas
- Appeals
- Bankruptcy
- Business and Corporate
- Car Accidents
- Civil Rights
- Consumer Protection and Fraud
- Contract
- Debt Collection
- Discrimination
- Employment
- Entertainment
- Government and Administrative
- Litigation
- Malpractice
- Mediation and Arbitration
- Mortgage and Foreclosure
- Personal Injury
- Real Estate
- Retirement and Pension
- Sports
Contact Rice Pugatch Robinson and Schiller
Rice Pugatch Robinson and Schiller
101 NE 3rd Avenue
Suite 1800
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 get directions
Rice Pugatch Robinson and Schiller - Miami, FL office
101 NE 3rd Avenue
Miami, FL, 33301 get directions
Phone: (954) 462-8000
Fax: (954) 462-4300